The Importance of Paying Key Attention to Greenhouse Gases and Working Toward Their Mitigation Before 2030
Image Source: UNDP Introduction As global development continues today, climate change has been one of the most discussed topics almost in every part of the world. Discussions about climate change…
Agriculture as a Key Sector in addressing Food Insecurity in Sierra Leone
(Alamy, 2020) Sierra Leone has rich fertile land, and agriculture has a lot of promise for expansion if only, oh if We may look at the effects of the agricultural…
Unfolding Another Hidden Treasure in Sierra Leone; The Wildlife Conservation Resources.
Gola Transboundary Peace Park of Sierra Leone (David Goodman, 2020) Wildlife, just like forests, is a national resource that not only helps to preserve ecological balance but also provides…
The Pains and Gains of Natural Resources in Sierra Leone
Introduction to the Natural Resource Environment of Sierra Leone (World Atlas, 2021) Who would have thought that with all the various natural resources that Sierra Leone has, it would be…
Plastic and Anaerobic power plants are the new solutions solving Sierra Leone’s Infrastructural, plastic and solid waste problem?
Final product recycled out of plastic and solid waste marerials sources: UNEP Springfield (Photo credit by Springfield, Mutethya, Goldstein, Government of Ethiopia.) Over the last seven-decade since the intervention of…
Access to clean water in Sierra Leone: The what, how and why.
People fetching drinking water in Sierra Leone. Source: Punch newspaper Introduction Africa is the wealthiest continent globally in terms of natural resources. (Bright, 2012). Arable lands, oil, natural gas, minerals,…
Don’t be a fool, Make Earth Cool- Unveiling The Shadow Pandemic
Photo 1 – debris and clay washed into the sea, Photo 2 – damaged housing close to the river bank. © World Bank Sometimes In August- Freetown Bang! Bang!!......... This…
The Impact of Plastic Waste Materials on Marine Animals: A Global Problem
Source: China Dialogue Ocean Do you know that our lives revolve around animals and the environment? As the population increases, the demand for plastic materials also increases. Plastic materials, in…
Did you know?
"Reiterating the Relevance of Mental Health DISCOURSE in Uganda and Sierra Leone” “Mental illness is gradually becoming another Corruption or Governance Crisis in Africa”. Understanding the adverse effect of mental…
Unraveling the Evolution of Natural Resources Management in Sierra Leone.
Leonrado Viti/123F In every morning hours, as the cock crows, so the lions' roar in a mountain on the west coast of Africa founded by a Portuguese sailor called Pedro…