How to Make Teaching more Effective?
PUSEY. S, 2019 Education is an enlightening experience. It brings an integrating permanent change in one's thinking and capacity to do things. According to Bell Hooks, “education was about the…
A Quick Coma Comes Around and the Consequences are Quite Tricky to Cope with, in Somalia.
Somali frontline hero, a nurse at Martini Hospital It was an early evening in late 2019 when the Chinese authorities announced that a respiratory pandemic killed several people in…
What do You think is the World’s Most Burning Problem?
Horn Diplomat It has never been easy for anyone who is employed today to find a job, unemployment is one of the most intense problems in all over the…
The unknown factors behind the gender gap in the workspace
Gender equality. Source: Forbes Understanding the culture and context of Somali women’s education has a long history based on cultural, religious, economical and societal beliefs. Somali culture allocates women and…
Effective Teaching Strategy: The way forward for achieving quality education in Somaliland
Abdulaziz Bashir/USAID What goes to your mind when you first heard the phrase lack of quality education? Poor resources, unsafe learning environments, lack of fundings, lack of learning materials, conflicts,…