Articles on Climate Change
The Importance of Paying Key Attention to Greenhouse Gases and Working Toward Their Mitigation Before 2030
Image Source: UNDP Introduction As global development continues today, climate change has been one of the most discussed topics almost in every part of the world. Discussions about climate change…
Plastic and Anaerobic power plants are the new solutions solving Sierra Leone’s Infrastructural, plastic and solid waste problem?
Final product recycled out of plastic and solid waste marerials sources: UNEP Springfield (Photo credit by Springfield, Mutethya, Goldstein, Government of Ethiopia.) Over the last seven-decade since the intervention of…
Access to clean water in Sierra Leone: The what, how and why.
People fetching drinking water in Sierra Leone. Source: Punch newspaper Introduction Africa is the wealthiest continent globally in terms of natural resources. (Bright, 2012). Arable lands, oil, natural gas, minerals,…
Food Scarcity: Can Climate-Smart Agriculture Save the Democratic Republic of Congo?
I was born in the world's most natural resource-rich country, with more than enough arable agricultural land to feed a third of the world's population. The Democratic Republic of Congo…
Guinea, one of the African Countries Facing Challenges from Climate Change
Dear readers, Welcome to my blog! Have you ever heard about climate change in Guinea? My post seeks to focus on Guinea's climate risks, including the potential impact of climate…
Don’t be a fool, Make Earth Cool- Unveiling The Shadow Pandemic
Photo 1 – debris and clay washed into the sea, Photo 2 – damaged housing close to the river bank. © World Bank Sometimes In August- Freetown Bang! Bang!!......... This…
Climate Change: The Lake Chad Basin’s nightmare
The issue of climate change is the subject of increasingly important attention for our generation and future generations. Many scientific predictions have finally convinced the political sphere of all the…
Did you know that E-mobility is one aspect of fighting Climate change in Africa!
Did you Know?In the last two decades, the whole world started experiencing the effects of climate change. Who knew that the car we drive can contribute to the increasing temperature…
What if we could all have access to water and sanitation services?
© amitiesavoiesahel Mrs Ouedraogo lives in a village about 50 km from Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. It is 4 am, and the village is asleep. The sun has…
You Can Clean the Air — Here’s How
Onitsha, a city in Nigeria. Ranked by WHO as one of the world’s most polluted cities (Parke, 2016) INTRODUCTION Air. That thing we breathe in and out every day of…