Tagged articles on Climate Change
The Importance of Paying Key Attention to Greenhouse Gases and Working Toward Their Mitigation Before 2030
Image Source: UNDP Introduction As global development continues today, climate change has been one of the most discussed topics almost in every part of the world. Discussions about climate change…
Access to clean water in Sierra Leone: The what, how and why.
People fetching drinking water in Sierra Leone. Source: Punch newspaper Introduction Africa is the wealthiest continent globally in terms of natural resources. (Bright, 2012). Arable lands, oil, natural gas, minerals,…
Climate Change: The Lake Chad Basin’s nightmare
The issue of climate change is the subject of increasingly important attention for our generation and future generations. Many scientific predictions have finally convinced the political sphere of all the…
You Can Clean the Air — Here’s How
Onitsha, a city in Nigeria. Ranked by WHO as one of the world’s most polluted cities (Parke, 2016) INTRODUCTION Air. That thing we breathe in and out every day of…
Proper E-waste Management in Rwanda
Why do we need to ensure that the future generations have the natural resources available to live an equal and better, way of life as current generations? The media regularly…
The Green Continent: How Rwanda is Challenging African Climate Narratives
Image from Africa e Afari Africa has historically been associated with lack, inadequacy, helplessness and an unending need for ; Some have even gone so far as to label it…
Queer Ecological Feminism; my perspective.
Through watching Queer Eye on Netflix, I took notice of the role intersectionality plays - how a minority group combine effort to help uplift people's lives. The show's concept demonstrates the interconnectedness…
The Tipping Point: Is there a point of no return in Climate Change?
Dominoes tipping over. Image from (Lewis, 2019) If like me you've been wondering if the recent floodings in Kenya (Al-Jazeera, 2020), Rwanda (TRT, 2020), and the DRC (VoA news, 2020),…
The Earth is Alive and COVID-19 is her Revenge on Humankind…
Gaia Art representation - Wicca Magazine The world is currently experiencing one of the most alarming health crisis. However, it is not the first. Epidemics did not wait for globalization…
Global Climate Action: How it can seem Unfair for Africa
A new perspective on how African can feel about saving the planet. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Its effects are disastrous and mostly affect…