Tagged articles on Youth Unemployment
Youth Unemployment, Job Creation and Governance in Uganda
INTRODUCTION Youth unemployment is a state of lacking a job or and being unemployed but looking for a ; Governance can be defined as: “The system by which entities are…
Youth Unemployment as a cause for Urbanisation
Nisha Uwase city of Kigali According to the (Welcome to the United Nations, 2014), more than one-half of the world’s population lives now in urban areas and virtually all countries…
Is Agriculture Key to the Success of African Youth?
(RYAF, 2018) The Gold Mine that we are sleeping on I dare say that Agriculture is what keeps the world spinning. That's just a metaphor, of course. Africa's economy is…
What do You think is the World’s Most Burning Problem?
Horn Diplomat It has never been easy for anyone who is employed today to find a job, unemployment is one of the most intense problems in all over the…
“Be your own boss!” — Is entrepreneurship the only answer to solving unemployment in Africa?
Youth-led Enterprise Source: USADF Unemployment and underemployment in Africa stand at staggering numbers. The African Development Bank estimates that youth unemployment is at nearly 60%. In North Africa, the youth…
Rwanda’s youth employment on a blink of exploding? Talents acquisition not an issue but Education?
University graduates at a university in Rwanda (University of Rwanda, 2019) Overview Rwanda is a landlocked country located in Middle East Africa well known for its nickname, a land of…
Effective Teaching Strategy: The way forward for achieving quality education in Somaliland
Abdulaziz Bashir/USAID What goes to your mind when you first heard the phrase lack of quality education? Poor resources, unsafe learning environments, lack of fundings, lack of learning materials, conflicts,…
Youth Unemployment in the 21st Century: Education as a channel for Rwanda.
Benjamin Disraeli once said: “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own”. Rwanda, like most of…